A Country Raped
वासना क्या है ? मैंने पूछा था उस नन्हे विद्यार्थी से और उत्तर सुन हँसे बिना न रह सका था। वासना, अर्थात जहाँ किसी का वास न हो / आज सोचता हूँ, उत्तर कितना सटीक था -- क्योंकि वासना से सना जानवर (क्योंकि वह इंसान नहीं रह जाता ) किसी और का वास देख कर भी नहीं देख पाता I WROTE the above poem almost four decades ago but recollected immediately after national outrage on the issue. I just do not understand what kind of country we are. After every crime we receive standard replies from our administration or junior ministers (as senior ones consider it their insult to talk to the public) The instant reactions of Delhi government and Delhi Police were shocking. It was only after the public outrage the government swung into action. Even when the parliament was in session, till the day before, nothing concrete was even suggested by our law makers, forget about the action. RAPE and murder are not uncommon in our country but the issue got highlighted simply because it happened in the nat...