
Showing posts from February 19, 2012
Diesel Subsidy : Is It Desirable? THE budget is on the envil. The most important issue is the subsidy on diesel. It is more pertinent because petrol has been deregulated; so why not diesel? DIESEL is being subsidised  with the logic of interests of farmers. Is it ? There are about 18 lakh tractors in the country, mostly being used by farmers. Is the figure large enough to bail out other commercial vehicles? The farmers who use tractors can't be small farmers as they can't afford it nor they need. Those who own, even if small ones, must be utilising for commercial purpose and earning in return. The subsidy is being used by the rich who are using SUVs and other similar cars, most of which are politicians or rich, plus about 3.5 lakh phone towers and public transport vehicles. EVERY farmer has a record of his land. Accordingly, use of diesel can be regulated by giving him the quota for his use. Similarly, public transport can be regulated by starting diesel services in t

The Farce of Democracy : UP Elections

THE GenX is witness to democratic process as never before in recent years. Though democracy is being welcomed in the new nation-states fighting for it, they too, sooner than latter, will be witness to all this drama. THE open fight for minority votes, disregarding majority sentiments, fresh doles in terms of job reservation, unemployment fund, electronic gadgets, free electricity and water etc etc have been the major promises not to be kept. But the issues involving Congress and the EC have made the elections and democracy the laughing stock of Indian democracy for the world that seeks inspirational lessons in democracy from us. RIGHT from the day one, when EC announced the schedule for UP elections (to be held in seven phases) I was convinced that EC is deliberately playing in the hands of Congress. What was the need for such a prolonged phase? Simply, Congress does not have a leader of stature from UP who could bear the burden on his/her shoulders. The fight has to be carried by