Nuclear Civil Liability..... It Is Imminent
On April 22, the government in Rajya Sabha, came forward to enhancing the compensation to the affected because of any nuclear mishap but without any success. The major objections to the bill are : (1). There is no liability on the part of the supplier of equipment or technology to the operator (2). Hence, the bill favours suppliers, mostly American companies. (3) The limit of Rs. 500 crores as compensation by the operator is too low and (4). The limit of 10 years for seeking compensation is too low. Similar terms have been agreed upon by most other countries using nuclear technology except the US where the compensation amount is about 10 billion dollars contributed by the common corpus of operators. Canada and China have much lower limits compared to the bill in question. Regarding the first objection, according to the government, agreement by the operator with the supplier can include any such clause but as the government agencies are themselves operators, the government itself may ig...