CAG going ST/SC Way

NARAYANSAMY, the minister, made the statement yesterday but, after severe criticism from various quarters, backtracked today. However it became certain that the government is mulling on making the CAG a three member Commission.

IT raises several questions. It is beyond doubt that the government is not at ease with the present CAG as it has exposed several scams of UPA. But the govt. must understand that the job of CAG is done by IAAS officers and multiplicity of members can not change the facts. On the other hand, it may demoralize the members of IAAS. Besides, ideally, the government must seek approval of CAG before it spends as it is Comptroller first, Auditor next.

LOOKING back, Commissioner for Scheduled Castes And Scheduled Tribes was doing a good job in highlighting the weaknesses of the government. From Mr. U.N. Dhebar till the last Commissioner Dr. B.D. Sharma have been very critical about the government and its ways. Fed up with the criticism, the govt. first made a national commission for Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes and subsequently split it into two, separate for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Why?

THE last Commissioner for SCs and STs was so critical of the government that ita last, 30th, report has not been placed in the parliament. The National Commission for STs was created  a decade ago. It has so far submitted four reports to the President but none has been brought to the floor of Parliament. (The situation of reports for SCs too is not different.) Why? Why has not the President sent these reports to Parliament?

THE onus lies on the President to explain but will He?

THE govt. wants the CAG to go the same way. Do you understand?


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