Bhopal : The Compensation

The government has put its seal on the recommendations of GoM. The package includes an additional compensation of 300m USD for affected besides Rs. 200 crores for clearing of the toxic waste. Ms Ambika Soni, the I&B mister was all smiles announcing the package. How much benefit in real terms goes to the affected?
A simple arithmetic calculation and a rational mind would tell you that the money, in fixed deposits, doubles every six years or so. Thus, the compensation of 470m USD, by now, must rise to more than 3.76 billion USD without enhancing by a single penny. Therefore, the government has pocketed rest of the money minus 300m USD promised by it as enhancement.
Besides, the medical terminology, as advocated by the activists, is grossly faulty and more than 90% of the affected will not get a single penny.
The great economists in our PM and FM have done a great disservice to the nation by making mockery of this national tragedy.
The government has resolved to make re-efforts to bring back for trial. The US has also indicated that it will look into any request. Looking into does not mean complying with. Knowing double standards of US (all of you know about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the compensation announced) it is least likely that Anderson will be deported. Both US and Indian government want to buy time till the dust is settled.
The GoM absolved Mr Rajiv Gandhi off this grand episode. I shall deal with the issue another day.


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