Two new Schemes for Child Nutrition

The Prime Minister is not amused. "There is a strong evidence that the ICDS has not led to any substantial improvement in the nutritional status of children under 6". The Planning Commission has remarked, "The issue of missing targets is very vexing and must be urgently addressed". The latest World Bank report has questioned the efficacy of national schemes in existence to tackle malnutrition. According to World Bank, "National Nutritional policy remains on paper, ICDS suffers a mismatch between intentions and implementation and mid-day meal scheme is not helping the cause.
In these circumstances the government represented by Women & Child Development minister Ms Krishna Tirth announced the launch of two more flaf-ship schemes, other than the eight already in progress, on Children's day, Nov. 14. The government will siphon out Rs. 4500 crores, now onwards for two new schemes namely Rajiv Gandhi Sabla Scheme and Indira Gandhi Matritva Scheme, in addition to already existing eight flag-ship schemes.
The malnutrition rate in India for children below three dropped from 47% in 1999 to 46% in 2005 and how much was the investment, the readers cant even dream of.


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