UPSC : Aptitude Test to replace Prelims

UPSC has recommended to the government to replace Prelims with Administrative Aptitude Test. Though the Chairman, UPSC did not reveal much, he only said that the two papers of Prelims - one on GS and another on Optional - would be replaced by the two tests with emphasis on "testing the aptitude of candidates for demanding life in civil service, as well as on the ethical and moral dimensions of decision making".
Basically, the move is to pre-ement the practice and selection of those aspirants with the habit of memorizing and encouraging those who can face the situation without dictation. It must be a welcome step but many of the coaching institutes, surviving on Prelims coaching, may have to shut their shops.
UPSC is also inclined to reduce the number of attempts as also reduction in the maximum age limit but these issues may have political overtones. Besides, UPSC is also inclined to conduct all the 10 exams it holds, on line, but it is not feasible presently.


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